Case Studies

Contract Management Case Study: Knowing how much you can save on facility costs

Written by Contract Management Expert | Dec 8, 2022 3:52:21 PM

With the contract scan, the Facilitaire Coöperatie ensures that medium-sized organizations (50-300 employees) can save on average 38% on office supplies, catering, energy, telephony, security, cleaning and fire extinguishers. With the help of Mochadocs, those savings become structural.



secretary arranges the cleaning, the financial department ensures that the energy bill is paid on time, but who within the organization has a good overview of all facility costs? “People often don’t feel like it and don’t have the time for it,” says consultant Jeroen van Denderen of the Facility Cooperative. “The knowledge of facility matters is low, suppliers abuse that.” It is precisely medium-sized organizations that are vulnerable, because a small club keeps an overview, while large companies have their own facility service. How do you manage to keep track of facility costs? And how do you make the savings structural?