MSG Post & Couriers has two simple questions: Where are our contracts and when do they expire? As a fast-growing company, it’s hard to keep track. A new software package may provide the solution. But it takes a while for the company to switch to the new method. Then they slowly discover more possibilities.
“I think the problem emerges the moment you grow from 5 employees to more than a 100 employees” says Arjan Kleizen, commercial director at MSG since 2012. With the acquisition of the postal and courier branch of the SW company in Enschede, the number of contracts also increases significantly. He estimates that it is now around 600. But how do you keep an overview? “There were some contracts left and right, but where exactly it was, nobody knew. How old it was, no one knew. Whether it was there at all, no one knew.”

MSG Post & Koeriers
MSG Post & Couriers has 20 years of experience in the courier industry. By taking over the mail and courier services of the Enschede-based SW company, MSG Post & Couriers has experienced tremendous growth and has also become active in the postal market. A wide range of transport solutions combined with a small, flexible organization makes MSG Post & Couriers the ideal partner for mail and courier services both regionally and nationally.
Contract Management Case Study: I only want one thing, an end date

Content Case Study
What is the Case Study about
Cautious start with Contract Management
The postal and courier service from Enschede started working with Mochadocs in early 2013. “I had already heard of them, so I didn’t look much further”
I want an end date
“I don’t care about the content of a contract. I only want one thing, which is to have an end date.” Now that MSG has taken that important step, he is also thinking about other aspects of Contract Management.
MSG Post & Couriers has two simple questions: Where are our contracts when do they expire?
Careful start with Contract Management
"Let's at least start somewhere"
I want an end date
“I only want one thing, I want an end date”
Easy to transfer
“Transfer information with a fairly simple explanation"