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How to delete your contract?




Mochadocs - Contract Management - Gears V1

How can you delete your contract?

Deleting a contract from a contract management tool can have several consequences, and it's important to consider these implications carefully., Consider the loss of a record, the issues with audits and compliance regulations, the legal and financial risks, the impact on the daily operations, and many more. Before deleting a contract, it is advisable to consult with legal, compliance, and contract management professionals within the organization. A well-defined process for contract deletion, along with appropriate documentation, can help mitigate risks and ensure that the organization handles contract management responsibly. 


How to delete your contract II | Mochadocs




Step 1 - Go to the Contract Management menu

Go to Contracts in the Contract Management module


Go to Contract in Mochadocs Contract Management



Step 2 - Click Add Contract button

To initiate the process of adding a contract to your system, you have two options for where to find the necessary button on your computer screen. You'll find a button labeled "Add Contract." at the top of your desktop or laptop screen, or to the right side of the screen. Clicking on this button will enable you to start the contract addition procedure, allowing you to input relevant information and complete the task at hand. 


Select Add Contract Button on Top or Right




Step 3 - Start Adding the Contract Meta Data

Now you're able to add all the meta data via the form.


The Contract Meta Data Form




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