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Can you effectively manage contracts in a DMS?

Reading time: 15 minutes

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Can you effectively manage contracts in a DMS?


If you already use a document management system (DMS), then you might as well manage your contracts with it, right? In this eBook you will learn why that is not such a good idea and what the main differences are between contract and document management.


Can you effectively manage contracts with a document management system (DMS)? We can already tell you our answer: no. But a conclusion alone is not much use. By better understanding the differences between contract and document management, you can ultimately get more out of your contracts.

Contract Management eBook: Can you effectively manage contracts in a DMS?

What is the importance of Document Management?
What is the importance of Contract Management?
Reading time: 15 minutes

eBook Content

What is this eBook about?

What is the importance of Document Management?
What is the importance of Document Management?

By keeping a grip on quality documents, an organization improves its business operations (efficiency, measurability, quality, safety, costs, environment, etc.), and auditors of (future) ISO and NEN-certified organizations also ask for proof of document management.

What is the importance of Contract Management?
What is the importance of Contract Management?

By keeping a grip on contracts, you maximize the return from your organization. A concrete reason for many organizations to start with contract management is that they no longer have insight into the end dates of contracts, which means that they are extended unnecessarily.

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What is the importance of Contract Management?

An organization records (important) agreements with other parties in a written contract. There are a number of basic conditions to keep a grip on contracts:

You can easily find the contract.


You can easily find the contract.

The right persons can view the contract.

Access control

The right persons can view the contract.

The right people know when the contract expires/is extended.


The right people know when the contract expires/is extended.