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Contract Management in Scandinavia

Does it matter whether you want to manage contracts in the Netherlands or in Norway? It does, Oscar Floor (Mochadocs Nordics) tells us in this podcast. If only because the distances in Norway are so enormous (from Oslo to Hammerfest is as far as Oslo to Rome! ) An on-site implementation therefore becomes difficult.


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Contract management in Scandinavia 12

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And who is in the podcast?

Oscar helps Scandinavian organizations via Skype get started with Mochadocs. Not because the software is so complicated ("you'll have that sorted out in three minutes").

earlier to think about:

- What types of contracts do we have?
- What do we want to manage from contracts?
- When do we want notification about a deal?

In this podcast with Oscar Floor & Bram van Montfoort, we answer the above questions.

Oscar Floor

Manager Mochadocs Nordics

Rob Postma

CEO Mochadocs

Contract Management Transcript: Contract Management in Scandinavia