Escalation Process
If you manage contracts with a clear contract hierarchy, there is an ultimate person responsible for the contract. Others may be responsible for topics or tasks within that contract. Now what if someone fails to perform such a task? Then the subject owner and then the contract owner gets a message after X amount of time. This is also called the escalation process. Do you really need such an escalation process? Opinions differ on that.

Subject Podcast
And who is in the Podcast?
Do you need an escalation process in contract management? Do you really need an escalation process for every task? When a notification in your escalation process?
You do need an escalation process: 'Sometimes it is very busy and it may happen that someone forgets a task, then it is useful that you still set up an escalation process'.
You don't need an escalation process: 'I can go and set six alarm clocks next to my bed, but then I'm not going to get up on time - people should just do their tasks when they get a notification'
Still, Mochadocs founder Rob Postma recommends keeping the escalation process on by default for all tasks. After all, there is a greater risk of forgetting to set up an escalation for a business-critical contract component than of getting one notification too many once. In this podcast with Rob Postma & Bram van Montfoort, we take a closer look.

Rob Postma
CEO Mochadocs

Bram van Montfoort
Copy Writer