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This way you can save a lot of money

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There are so many great wishes in a tender, but how do you ensure that they come true? The consultants of United Quality help municipalities, among others, with the competitive purchasing of waste processing and vehicles. Thanks to contract management software, they can also monitor the purchase agreements.



“At a G4 municipality, the annual accounts were rejected because they had not tendered in time.” Michel van der Klooster of United Quality notices that governments have difficulty with tendering in time and keeping an eye on agreements from those tenders. How does he ensure that the persons in charge can easily keep track of contract agreements?

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United Quality

United Quality employs specialists who have worked for at least 10 years at organizations where issues related to waste collection, waste logistics and waste processing, as well as purchasing and management of special vehicles and equipment are commonplace.

Contract Management Case Study: This way you can save a lot of money

Mochadocs - Contract Management - Case Study - United Quality - Page 2
Mochadocs - Contract Management - Case Study - United Quality - Page 3
Reading time: 8 minutes

Content Case Study

What is the Case Study about

Mochadocs - Contract Management - Case Study - United Quality - Page 2

“At a G4 municipality, the annual accounts were rejected becausethey had not tendered in time.” Michel van der Klooster of United Quality notices that governments have difficulty with tendering in time and keeping an eye on agreements from those tenders.

The importance of timely notification
Mochadocs - Contract Management - Case Study - United Quality - Page 3

“Keep an eye on the end date of your contracts.” It seems obvious, but Van der Klooster still regularly sees organizations that forget. Sometimes with dire consequences: “At a G4 municipality, the annual accounts were rejected because they had not tendered on time.”

Download Case Study United Quality

Easily check appointments

“Once you’ve entered the contracts in Mochadocs, you don’t have to worry about them anymore,” says Van der Klooster, “the right person will automatically receive a notification. For example, a call to finances before the start of the new tender and someone on the operational side knows when it is time for an evaluation. But a good contract is important.”

Time to reap the rewards

As a municipality, province or security region, you have made competitive purchases, made clear agreements and entered them into a contract management system. What do you do with that then? “The municipality of Maastricht, for example, uses Mochadocs,” says Van der Klooster, “they receiveda signal that they had to put out to tender, so that we were called in on time.”

What did improve?

Mochadocs contract management contract status

Contract Status

"You can see the status of the contract

at a glance"

Mochadocs contract management big savings

Big Savings

"In Mochadocs you get a signal every year to take a look at your coverage, so you can save a lot of money."

Mochadocs contract management timely notifications

Timely Notifications

"At a G4 municipality, the annual accounts were rejected because they had

not tendered"