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Configuration: Adding an entity to a contract type




Mochadocs - Contract Management - Waypoint AMERICA V2

Businesses need to have effective contract management so that they can comply with the contract, it's law, avoid conflicts, stay out of trouble, and maintain sound relationships among stakeholders., Including entities into a contractual framework is one important measure in improving contract management. Companies become able to use their entities to bring order, transparency, and effective contract management which boost efficiency.


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Adding an entity to a contract type.

Configure a more structured framework into your contract type by using subject templates.



Step 1 - Edit Contract Type

Go to Configuration and select contract types. Then select the contract type to add a new entity, in this case we are going to add an entity to the Loan agreement.


Edit Contract Type | Mochadocs




Step 2 - Add Entity to the contract type

When clicking edit you'll get into the contract type edit form

Add entity to the contract type Loan Agreement | Mochadocs


You now can select one or more entities. Select the entities where the contracts made via the contract type needs to be stored. 


Select the pre-defined entities | Mochadocs




Step 3 - The contract type has now default entities


The overview within the contract type list

Contract types overview | Mochadocs


And the specifiev Loan Agreement overview from a Quick View


Contract Type Quick View | Mochadocs


And you're done


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Contract Management Case Studies

Read the Quick User Guide

Configuration of Entities

Quick User Guide - Configuration of Entities | Mochadocs


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