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Configuration: Configure User View Permissions




Mochadocs - Contract Management - Magnifier on Document V4

Configuring user view permissions is an important aspect of managing access to the Mochadocs resources such as task, files and contracts., Whether you're an administrator overseeing the complete CLM application, or an contract manager, setting up user view permissions is essential for maintaining security, privacy, and functionality. You will explore the process of configuring user view permissions, the importance of doing so, and some best practices to consider.



Change View User Permissions

Viewer can see contract types and entities he has access to.




Step 1 - Select "Users" in your workspace

Go to your workspace and select "Users".


Workspace - Users | Mochadocs





Step 2 - Click on "Change Access" behind the requested user

When clicking "Change Access" you can set Create, View (Read), Update, and Delete rights per user

Change Access Permissions | Mochadocs


For view rights use only the two switches in the Viewer Area (First and Top Area). 

Use only the two view switches | Mochadocs

NOTE: Do not switch on any othe switch. Switching other switches will change the View User into a Full User

Additional Note:

Now you need to give the user the view rights. 





Step 3 - Go to the user (workspace) and click "Change Rights"

Change View Rights | Mochadocs





Step 4a - Select all contract view rights of an specific entity.


You might also just select all contract types in a single entity like is configured in the image below.

Select all contract types in a single entity | Mochadocs




Step 4b - Select all contract view rights of a specific contract type.

You might also just select one contract type cross al entities (configured in the image below).


Select a single contract type cross all entities | Mochadocs





Step 4c - Or select a combination between Entities (4a) and Contract Types (4b)

In this image are Revaxin Netherlands and Revaxin Latin America entities.

View User Read Matrix | Mochadocs


Now the view user can view all ICT Agreement in the Revaxin Netherlands Entity. If there would be more contract types configured in the future, this view user automatically gets the read rights (due to the "Add future contract type" switch) in this entity, not in the other.


As your entity's contract management needs evolve, it's important to regularly review and adjust permissions accordingly. Remove or modify view access for users as their roles change within the organization. By following these steps, you can manage and control view rights for all contract types and entities, ensuring that sensitive contract information is accessible only to authorized users, maintaining security and compliance.


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Contract Management Case Studies

Read the Quick User Guide

Configuration of Entities

Quick User Guide - Configuration of Entities | Mochadocs



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