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How to read the Rolling forecast notification period contracts Dashboard




Mochadocs - Contract Management - Gears V1

How to read the Rolling forecast notification period contracts Dashboard

The Mochadocs Dashboards play a role in your CLM by providing you with a comprehensive overview of your (companies) contracts, helping you track key metrics, monitor contract performance, and make informed decisions., These dashboards are designed to enhance visibility, streamline processes, and optimize contract management throughout the entire lifecycle, from creation to renewal or termination.


Rolling forecast Notice End Date | Mochadocs




Step 1 - Go to your Personal board

Go to Home and then select Dashboard


Select Dashboard in your Home | Mochadocs


Step 2 - Click on Personal board


Select Personal board in Home | Mochadocs




Step 3 - Goto "Rolling forecast notification periode contracts"

A "Rolling Forecast End Notification Period Contracts Dashboard" is a tool used in contract management to track contracts that are approaching their end dates within a rolling forecast period and require notification.


Rolling forecast notification period contracts dashboard | Mochadocs


You now have an overview from all upcomming notice end dates relatyed to all your contracts. The dots on the line represent the total number of contracts for which the end notice date falls within that month.


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