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We save at least tens of thousands annually

Reading time: 7 minutes

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How do you get insight on the notice periods of your contracts? Which contracts are dispensable? Cloud provider Uniserver has a clear view on effective contract management. How does Uniserver control hundreds of contracts? How do you prevent needless renewals? How much money can you actually save? And what is the easiest way?



At Uniserver contractual information is spread over many different places. “ There was CRM software, situated on network cards, in the mail of people, in folders,” says Robert de Roos in hindsight. He is the Supplier & Asset Manager at Uniserver and is responsible for a large number of contracts. “We had a procedure for everything, yet things will always be forgotten,” de Roos continues, “this causes silent renewals. And a needless renewal on a data circuit is 25.000 dollars wasted. I also saw that certain expansions on our capacity discontinued at the wrong moment.”

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Uniserver is a well-known dutch Cloud Hosting provider situated in Alkmaar with 50 IT specialists and 8000 customers

Contract Management Case Study: We save at least tens of thousands annually

ENG Case Study Uniserver2
ENG Case Study Uniserver3
Reading time: 7 minutes

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ENG Case Study Uniserver2

“We had a procedure for everything, yet things will always be forgotten,” de Roos continues, “this causes silent renewals. And a needless renewal on a data circuit is 25.000 dollars wasted. I also saw that certain expansions on our capacity discontinued at the wrong moment.”

A fast and fruitful search
ENG Case Study Uniserver3

On a random internet forum, he discovers MochaDocs. He becomesenthusiastic after attending a demo: “You can indicate exactly what youwant to manage. If something is not included, you can craft it with simple modules.” He decides to purchase the package: “I only had to justify it to management. It wasn’t an issue due to the low price.” It took De Roos just seven workdays between discovering MochaDocs and getting down to work. “I believe we had more trouble arranging the demo than actually start using it.”

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"Get down to work in seven days”

"Ultimately, there are seven working days between the moment De Roos discovers Mochadocs and the moment he can get started: "I think we had more trouble tuning the demo than we had to start."

"Preferably one versus a thousand contracts”

“If I have five hundred support agreements, I can divide them into three types. For each type, I create my configuration, which I can tweak to my liking.” A thought comes to his mind: “Preferably a single master contract, against a thousand individuals."

"We save at least tens of thousands annually”

According to De Roos, the biggest gain is in reducing the number of suppliers and contracts: “You can call that considerable.” What are the savings in the end? “At least tens of thousands of euros, every year.”

Clear wishes, a simple tool, saving tens of thousands of euros.

Mochadocs contract management $ 6.000,- Monthlysavings through consolidation of contracts

$ 6.000,-

Monthlysavings through consolidation of contracts

Mochadocs contract management 2 hours

2 hours

For complete hand over ofresponsibilities .Knowledgeremains at Uniserver

Mochadocs contract management 15.000% Return on Investment



(Return on Investment)