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How to transfer or export data and files?




Mochadocs - Contract Management - Gears V1

How to export data and files?

Discover the straightforward process of transferring or exporting your data and files with Mochadocs. This guide provides easy-to-follow steps, ensuring a hassle-free data migration or backup experience. Perfect for users at any skill level.



Option 1 - Assistance in Exporting Information from Mochadocs


Data Extraction Support: Mochadocs can offer assistance by extracting all the necessary data from Mochadocs on behalf of you. This process might involve gathering all documents, contract details, notes, audit trails, tasks, properties and other relevant data stored in the system.

Custom Export Services: If you require the data in a specific format or needs it to be integrated with another system, we can offer custom export services. This might involve developing scripts or using APIs to extract data in a way that aligns with your needs. Before such a service starts you will receive a quiote related to the effort this pocess takes.

Secure Data Transfer: Once the data is extracted, Mochadocs ensures that the data is securely transferred to you, using encrypted channels to prevent any unauthorized access.

Option 2 - Customer's Self-Service via Reporting in Mochadocs


Built-in Reporting Tools: Mochadocs offers built-in reporting tools that allow users to create custom reports based on their data. If you have access to all data you can create reports on all data. You can select specific data points, apply filters, and create reports that meet your unique requirements.

Data Export Features: Once the report has been created you can use the export feature. This feature enables you to use the data outside of Mochadocs, whether for further analysis, sharing, or record-keeping.

Scheduled Reports: You might have the ability to schedule reports to be generated and sent automatically at regular intervals. This feature ensures that you or your stakeholders receive up-to-date information without manually generating reports each time.

Access Control: Administrators can control who in their organization has access to generate and view reports, ensuring that sensitive information is only accessible to authorized personnel.

By combining the direct support from the service provider with the powerful, self-service reporting tools within Mochadocs, customers can effectively manage, export, and utilize their data according to their business needs.

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