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Where is my Contract?

Reading Time: 10 minutes

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Where is my contract

Where is that contract anyway?

In a filing cabinet, in a box, in that locked cabinet, in the safe, in the archive, on the server, in a folder, in a cabinet, on your hard drive, in the folders at the administration, at the head office, at the branch in the region, at the management, at your desk, etc. etc. By the time you ask the question, it is often already too late. This eBook is about the absolute basis of contract management: the location of your contract.

How do you always find contract information?

While your physical contracts are securely stored on one (or a few) central storage point, you can make the relevant contract information available worldwide via a secure cloud solution. An additional advantage is that you can authorize information at subject or even task level: the purchasing employee will only see that piece of information that is relevant to him or her.

Contract Management eBook: Where is my Contract?

Why is the location of your contract important?
How do you always find contractual information?
Reading Time: 10 minutes

Content eBook

What is this eBook about

Why is the location of your contract important?
Why is the location of your contract important?

It starts with the law. Every company/organization is legally obliged to keep its administration for 7 years (fiscal retention obligation). All data about your company or organization that you record on paper or in digital form is part of the administration. This also applies to contracts, agreements and other arrangements. In principle, the government (tax authorities) wants this information to be stored digitally.

How do you always find contractual information?
How do you always find contractual information?

Fortunately, in the age of the internet, that question is no longer so difficult to answer:

While your physical contracts are securely stored on one (or a few) central storage point, you can make the relevant contract information available worldwide via a secure cloud solution. An additional advantage is that you can authorize information at subject or even task level: the purchasing employee will only see that piece of information that is relevant to him or her.

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Administration obligation

Administration obligation

The location of contracts and attachments is important in order to comply with the legal obligation to keep records.

Central location

Central location

It is useful for your administration to start from one central storage point. But in organizations with multiple locations, you will soon encounter practical objections.

Secure cloud solution

Secure cloud solution

With a cloud solution for contract management, you can give stakeholders in contract agreements access to information relevant to them down to the subject level.